5 Coaching Techniques that will help boost your Life Satisfaction

Jasper @Amplio Coaching
6 min readOct 22, 2020

In this blog post, I’ll share how online coaching can help you boost happiness and life fulfilment. These online coaching techniques can enable you to enjoy life more:

  1. Increasing Awareness — A technique that helps you to understand yourself and your position in this world better. It sets you up for the life path that suits you.
  2. Taking Responsibility — A technique that lets you understand that you are responsible for your own happiness. This technique can result in a paradigm shift.
  3. Sharing Acceptance — A technique that helps you to bring matters into perspective. A technique that tells you life doesn’t turn around you, but you can turn life your way.
  4. Ensuring Accountability — A technique that ensures that you keep steady on your path towards your goals, like family and corporate or athletic success.
  5. Facilitating Self-Coaching — A technique that helps you to coach yourself, making you more independent and more in control of your own happiness and fulfilment.

1. Increasing Awareness

Let’s start by talking about the first online coaching technique “increasing awareness”. Life can be very messy and confusing. At times you can lose track of reality and life can become very blurry.

A coach can help you to increase awareness regarding your life. Regarding you as a person in relation to life events. Consider increasing awareness as a map that is handed to you and shows you the best way forward. Awareness provides you with an understanding of the current situation from which you can determine your path.

At Amplio Coaching, we often see clients being fully sucked into their work- and their personal lives. By asking the right questions, you can provide somebody with a sense of awareness, a sense of what they really do enjoy in life. This can make them understand that their current life is not congruent with the life they envision. It only takes gaining awareness to pivot your life towards a life in line with your values and this will boost your happiness.

Awareness is super important in everybody’s life. It provides you with clarity with which you can proactively start living life on your terms. You can already start practicing it by means of journaling, doing CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) exercises, or one of my favorites: CTFAR cognitive exercises.

2. Taking Responsibility

Continuing on with the second online coaching technique “taking responsibility”. Life, especially in the current times, bombards you with options. It has been researched that the amount of stimuli we have in a day, nowadays, is comparable to the amount encountered during a whole lifetime 200 years ago. We have so many distractions surrounding us. If we want our lives to move in a certain direction, we have to take responsibility to make that happen. By taking responsibility, you can channelize energy into achieving your goals instead of shooting blindly.

At Amplio Coaching, we support you to overcome 1) your brain’s innate disposition to take shortcuts to avoid taking responsibility 2) the voices of close ones instilling you with doubt 3) all the distractions surrounding you daily. We help you understand your purpose and take responsibility to build a meaningful life.

If you manage to take more responsibility in life while refraining from feeling like having no control, then you can shape a life that satisfies you. I would recommend starting to think about that one big goal that you have and write down how you can start taking responsibility for succeeding in this.

3. Sharing Acceptance

Over to the third online coaching technique “sharing acceptance”. In our lives, we are taught by the media and our upbringing that life revolves around us. Hence, every setback we consider as a major backlash. Online coaching can help you to gain perspective of the hilly ride of life. Sometimes you are at the top of a hill, where everything feels amazing, and sometimes you’re at the bottom, where life seems to be hell. This counts for everybody’s life. If you develop your personal acceptance muscle, you’ll be able to approach life with more serenity and patience.

In general, if people encounter adversity, they become defensive and can react emotionally, which does not improve the situation. At Amplio Coaching, we help millennials to accept adversity as an inevitable part of life and a process towards their goals. This frees them up from the tendency to fight it but constructively build from the adversity towards their goals.

If you manage to approach life accepting adversity and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn from, you’ll be able to live a meaningful life and make the most out of it.

4. Ensuring Accountability

And then the second to last online coaching technique “ensuring accountability”. A coach helps you to stay on your path that you set out towards your goals. The coach will not magically let you reach your goal. But a coach will keep you accountable to the path set out together to get you there.

We all know it. It is hard to stick to your own plan at all times. We have the magical ability to come up with excuses for ourselves to not follow our plan. Somebody, a coach, that tags along on your development journey can nudge you if needed when you tend to derail from your path.

At Amplio Coaching, we often see that millennials perfectly know what they want. The majority of the millennials want a sense of contributing to a better world in their lives. Together we often manage to draft a plan to integrate this in their lives. But be aware, deviating from your current routines can be difficult. Through online coaching, you can be held accountable and understand what derails you from your path. Learn from it and move on towards a life in which you contribute to the world.

Online coaching can help you to keep on track towards your goals, but there are other ways as well. A buddy or a mentor can also help you to stay on track.

5. Facilitating Self-Coaching

Concluding with the fifth online coaching technique “facilitate self-coaching”. Self-Coaching is vital for a successful life. As you perfectly know yourself, life is full of challenges, adversity, and unexpected events. Self-coaching can make you more resilient and offers you the skill to bounce back on your path towards your goals. Self-coaching makes you more independent. You do not have to rely on others to achieve the life you want. Coaching yourself will enable you to gain control of your life and make any mountain you have to climb on your life path seem like a little bump in the road.

We coach millennials at Amplio Coaching and there is a clear similarity between them all. They all want to make the most out of life. Through self-coaching, they are able to determine their path towards what kind of life that is to them. And they can use self-coaching techniques to manage stress and other adversity they encounter on their way.

Self-coaching is not something that you learn overnight. Through a strong coaching relationship, your coach can teach you techniques that you can use to self-coach yourself. Let’s call it the holy grail of personal development. Once you have reached this, you’ll be able to manage your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors perfectly in harmony with the life that you envision.

All the online coaching techniques are especially effective because they can be accomplished online. This will make the coaching more time effective, more motivational, more flexible as it’s tailored to your schedule, richer in communication, and more affordable.

Schedule your free online coaching session to find out how these 5 techniques can help you.



Jasper @Amplio Coaching

Jasper is the founder of Amplio Coaching. He believes that every single person has the potential to overcome any challenge in life and to be happy.